Université Lyon 1
Accueil  >>  Master  >> Informatique  >>  M2 Data and Intelligence for Smart Systems (DISS)
  • Domaine : Masters du domaine SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES
  • Diplôme : Master
  • Mention : Informatique
  • Parcours : M2 Data and Intelligence for Smart Systems (DISS)
Le plus de l'université Lyon 1 :
The DISS Master is the only Computer Science research-oriented Master (M2) at Lyon 1 University, which is taught entirely in English. It is an interdisciplinary Master (spanning subfields of Computer Science, namely AI, Data Science, Service Computing and Image Processing).
    Présentation :
Modalité de formation :
Durée de la formation :
4 semestres
Site web pour plus d'information :
Documents à télécharger :
Export PDF des descriptifs de cette formation
Plaquette du parcours pour étudiant
Lieux de formation :
Cette formation est dispensée principalement sur le(s) site(s) suivant(s) :
  •   Villeurbanne - La Doua
Diplôme co-accrédité :
Cette formation est co-accréditée avec le(s) établissement(s) suivant(s) :
  • Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
  • Ecole Centrale de Lyon
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Langues d'enseignement :
  • ANG  Anglais
    Secteurs disciplinaires concernés :
  • Informatique
Date de la dernière mise-à-jour : 22/07/2024
    Compétences attestées :


    Program Description :

The International Master DISS (Data and Intelligence for Smart Systems) is a research-oriented master preparing the next generation of researchers, professionals and scientific leaders, while giving priority to excellence in research and most recent technological advances in a handful of computer science subfields.

It benefits from the international collaborations and rich networking of the researchers participating in the Master. It leverages the Arqus European University Alliance by targeting research universities abroad as well as Erasmus+ agreements between the Computer Science Department at Lyon 1 University and other European research universities.

Context. Smart systems are data-driven and intelligent systems that are capable of executing complex tasks of processing and control during which massive data is collected, processed and analyzed for both analysis and prediction. Data is inherently heterogeneous, including structured/unstructured data, processes and images. This data needs to be prepared, processed and modeled in order to feed analytical and inference methods for smart systems. The inherent tasks of these systems involve several computational challenges, such as the storage and processing of streaming, sensor and IoT data, symbolic and statistical learning on top of these data and its processes, as well as the modeling and deployment of services and processes leveraging these data. The training programme of the Master DISS revolves around the smart integration and processing of the data (including all kinds of data, from structured to graph-based data and images, ranging from static to evolving data) as well as the inference and Artificial Intelligence processes on top of these data for enabling analysis, prediction and forecast.

Data-driven and intelligent systems represent the pillars of Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation with many concrete applications in various domains such as healthcare, education, energy efficiency, transportation and climate change.

The master DISS has two main objectives:

  • Prepare the students to a PhD thesis and later to research jobs in both academia and industry;
  • Train the students to research work and methodology, while increasing their knowledge in cross-disciplinary fields in Computer Science (i.e. Data Management, Graphics and Visual Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Service-oriented Computing)

Notice that starting from year 2022 only students having completed the first year of Master (M1) in Computer Science can be admitted in the Master cursus (covering the second year of Master).

The master offers a well-balanced syllabus, consisting of the following competences and skills:

  • Detailed knowledge of the components of Big Data processing systems spanning heterogeneous data.
  • Study of the Machine Learning techniques and applications, by focusing on unsupervised and supervised learning.
  • Study of service science and business processes, focusing on cognitive and AI-driven services and applications to blackchain.
  • Study of image understanding and geometric feature extraction, pattern recognition problems and denoising techniques.
  • Capability to formulate a research question, build the related work relative to a research problem and design a solution for the research problem at hand.
    Potential Students and Prerequisites :
Students who enroll in the DISS Master must have completed an M1 degree or an M2 degree in Computer Science. They must be proficient in English.
    Skills :

The master DISS has two main objectives:

  • Prepare the students to a PhD thesis and/or to research jobs in both academia and industry;
  • Train the students to research work and methodology, while increasing their knowledge in cross-disciplinary fields in Computer Science (i.e. Data Management, Graphics and Visual Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Service-oriented Computing)
    Admission :
  • Having completed the first year of Master in Computer Science (with acquired basic knowledge of Databases, Machine Learning, Image Processing and/or Service-oriented Computing)
  • Having basic knowlledge of the English language.
    Assessment :
Mid-term exams and final exams are proposed to the students as well as practical homework depending on the course.
    Admission :
  • Having completed the first year of Master in Computer Science (with acquired basic knowledge of Databases, Machine Learning, Image Processing and/or Service-oriented Computing)
  • Having basic knowlledge of the English language.
    Potential Students and Prerequisites :
Students who enroll in the DISS Master must have completed an M1 degree or an M2 degree in Computer Science. They must be proficient in English.
    Responsabilité du Parcours :
    Contact scolarité :
departement informatique Scolarite
    Composante(s) de l'université responsable de cette formation :
Département - Composante d'Informatique
    Liste des Unités d'Enseignement (UE) :
  • Année 1
  • Année 2
    Indicateurs & Statistiques :
Les enquêtes sont réalisées par le Pôle Statistique d'Appui au Pilotage de la Formation et de la Vie Etudiante :
accéder aux statistiques de toutes les formations
    L'international dans la formation :
DISS is a research-oriented international Master
    Conseiller en matière de mobilité des étudiants :