Université Lyon 1
Accueil  >>  Master  >> Energie  >>  M2 Advanced manufacturing and monitoring of energy delivery
  • Domaine : Masters du domaine SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES
  • Diplôme : Master
  • Mention : Energie
  • Parcours : M2 Advanced manufacturing and monitoring of energy delivery
    Présentation :
Modalité de formation :
Formation diplômante
Nature de la Formation :
Diplôme national
Niveau de recrutement :
Niveau de sortie :
Durée de la formation :
4 semestres
Documents à télécharger :
Export PDF des descriptifs de cette formation
Lieux de formation :
Cette formation est dispensée principalement sur le(s) site(s) suivant(s) :
  •   Villeurbanne - La Doua
Diplôme co-accrédité :
Cette formation est co-accréditée avec le(s) établissement(s) suivant(s) :
  • Université Lumière Lyon 2
Langues d'enseignement :
  • FR  Français
  • ANG  Anglais
    Secteurs disciplinaires concernés :
  • Electricité - Electronique - Automatique
  • Batiment - Génie civil - Energie
  • Sciences de l'ingénieur
Date de la dernière mise-à-jour : 03/03/2023
    Description de la formation :
This formation is not at present opened
    Poursuites d'études :
see english page
    Modalités d'évaluation :
see english page
    Program Description :

This formation is not at present opened

The Electrical and Information Engineering department, component of Claude Bernard Lyon1 University, offers a one year duration international program that delivers a Master's Degree with the French national Label ‘’ENERGY’’ with the curricula named ‘’Advanced Manufacturing and Monitoring of Energy Delivery’’.

The manufacturing and energy industrial sectors are using the same Automation competences to design their process for monitoring and control purposes. In a second hand, specific tools and knowledge by sector are needed to achieve the correct learning outcomes. The aim of our master is to prepare the student to get the corresponding skills to reach his own professional objective.


The team of the master was involved in the European consortium www.greenelleiec.eu and www.saleie.co.uk granted by the European commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme. The team is the French partner of the ERASMUS MUNDUS project  GLINK between Europe and Asia 2014-2018 (www.glink-edu.eu) in this framework there is some mobility possibility for our student (1000 et 1500E/month depending of the level master or PhD).


Teaching is provided by Lecturer-Researchers from Lyon1 laboratories and Lecturer-Researchers from School of Engineering.  Several practical courses are ensured by part-time teacher from Industry and civil society. (Examples: EDF Electrical Company and Hespul association www.hespul.org)

    Potential Students and Prerequisites :

Applicants for our second master's degree program must hold a 1-year master's degree or academic equivalent with 240 credits (4 years) from high Education Institution.

A large part of courses are taught in English, and there is also an introductory course on French language. In case of the student is not speaking French an adjusting program may be applied for the part of the master courses done in French
    Skills :

The ‘’ Advanced manufacturing and monitoring of energy delivery’’ curricula is partially in English. It will bring you a set of competences to be able to design, to achieve a higher level of automation and to monitor several kind of industrial process. The targeted industrial sectors are the manufacturer companies, Energy providers, and the building efficiency.

    Job opportunities :

The first objective for the master is to give you right skills to help you to get your first job. Secondly the master allows the student to apply for PhD position.

    Admission :

Applicants for our second master's degree program must hold a 1-year master's degree or academic equivalent with 240 credits (4 years) from high Education Institution.

If you feel that you can be interested, please send first your CV (pdf) at master-energie@univ-lyon1.fr.  

Your CV should underline your scholar background, your ranking and any training project succinctly and precisely.
    Enrolment :

Applicants for our second master's degree program must hold a 1-year master's degree or academic equivalent with 240 credits (4 years) from high Education Institution.

If you feel that you can be interested, please send first your CV (pdf) at master-energie@univ-lyon1.fr.


Your CV should underline your scholar background, your ranking and any training project succinctly and precisely.


If you’re are employed by a company, you can directly applied with a status of lifelong learning learner and the fees will be paid by the company. In that case you do not need to use CEF procedure.  


If you are a national of a member state of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), you may apply directly to the institution(s) of interest to you. You are not required to follow any particular process to enter French higher education beyond the first year. You are not even required to obtain a visa. Other students living in Europe. If you live in an EU countries but are not a citizen, you will have to apply for a student visa at the French consulate in the country in which you reside. Even if the CEF procedure is used in your country of origin, you do not have to return there in order to apply for admission to a French institution of higher education.


You must use the online registration within the Lyon1 website and the application CIELL (start the third week of april)  http://www.univ-lyon1.fr/formation/inscription-et-scolarite/candidature-et-reinscription-dans-les-autres-niveaux-d-etudes-582411.kjsp?RH=FORMATION and select the master label ‘ENERGIE’ and the curriculum ‘Advanced manufacturing and monitoring of energy delivery’ from Lyon1.


For the following countries please use the CEF procedure:

Nigeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Marocco, Mauritius, Mexico, Peru, Senegal, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, USA, Vietnam.

The CEF procedure begins with the creation of a personal electronic application file, a process you can complete at your own pace. An application fee is charged. Please go to http://www.campusfrance.org/en


If you live in a country where the CEF procedure is not yet in use, here's how to apply for admission. You must use the online registration CIELL (open the third week of April) within the Lyon1 website www.univ-lyon1.fr and select the master label ‘ENERGIE’ and the curriculum ‘Advanced manufacturing and monitoring of energy delivery’ from Lyon1.

    Assessment :

Evaluation is done in continuous way during the year. At the end a report must be done about your training part.

    Student Numbers of previous years :

Apply now as the master will open for the first time in sept 2017. The class is limited to 12 students

    Spécificités et prérequis :
see english page
    Public concerné :
see english page
    Modalités d'accès :
see english page
    Admission :

Applicants for our second master's degree program must hold a 1-year master's degree or academic equivalent with 240 credits (4 years) from high Education Institution.

If you feel that you can be interested, please send first your CV (pdf) at master-energie@univ-lyon1.fr.  

Your CV should underline your scholar background, your ranking and any training project succinctly and precisely.
    Potential Students and Prerequisites :

Applicants for our second master's degree program must hold a 1-year master's degree or academic equivalent with 240 credits (4 years) from high Education Institution.

A large part of courses are taught in English, and there is also an introductory course on French language. In case of the student is not speaking French an adjusting program may be applied for the part of the master courses done in French
    Enrolment :

Applicants for our second master's degree program must hold a 1-year master's degree or academic equivalent with 240 credits (4 years) from high Education Institution.

If you feel that you can be interested, please send first your CV (pdf) at master-energie@univ-lyon1.fr.


Your CV should underline your scholar background, your ranking and any training project succinctly and precisely.


If you’re are employed by a company, you can directly applied with a status of lifelong learning learner and the fees will be paid by the company. In that case you do not need to use CEF procedure.  


If you are a national of a member state of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), you may apply directly to the institution(s) of interest to you. You are not required to follow any particular process to enter French higher education beyond the first year. You are not even required to obtain a visa. Other students living in Europe. If you live in an EU countries but are not a citizen, you will have to apply for a student visa at the French consulate in the country in which you reside. Even if the CEF procedure is used in your country of origin, you do not have to return there in order to apply for admission to a French institution of higher education.


You must use the online registration within the Lyon1 website and the application CIELL (start the third week of april)  http://www.univ-lyon1.fr/formation/inscription-et-scolarite/candidature-et-reinscription-dans-les-autres-niveaux-d-etudes-582411.kjsp?RH=FORMATION and select the master label ‘ENERGIE’ and the curriculum ‘Advanced manufacturing and monitoring of energy delivery’ from Lyon1.


For the following countries please use the CEF procedure:

Nigeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Marocco, Mauritius, Mexico, Peru, Senegal, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, USA, Vietnam.

The CEF procedure begins with the creation of a personal electronic application file, a process you can complete at your own pace. An application fee is charged. Please go to http://www.campusfrance.org/en


If you live in a country where the CEF procedure is not yet in use, here's how to apply for admission. You must use the online registration CIELL (open the third week of April) within the Lyon1 website www.univ-lyon1.fr and select the master label ‘ENERGIE’ and the curriculum ‘Advanced manufacturing and monitoring of energy delivery’ from Lyon1.

    Responsabilité du Parcours :
    Contact scolarité :
    Composante(s) de l'université responsable de cette formation :
Département - Composante de Mécanique
    Liste des Unités d'Enseignement (UE) :
  • Année 1
  • Année 2
Année 1
Gestion de production industrielle 3
Projet professionnel ou de recherche 3
Automates programmables 6
Régulation des systèmes  3
Commande et Supervision de Systèmes Industriels 3
Capteur et Driver industriels 3
Système d'information et Sécurité des procédés 6
Gestion de la qualité et innovation en milieu Industriel 3
Année 2
Energie nouvelle 3
Anglais pour la communication professionnelle niveau 1 3
Alternance Entreprise ou Stage Entreprise ou Laboratoire 1 24
    Indicateurs & Statistiques :
Les enquêtes sont réalisées par le Pôle Statistique d'Appui au Pilotage de la Formation et de la Vie Etudiante :
accéder aux statistiques de toutes les formations