Université Lyon 1
Accueil  >>  Master  >> Chimie et sciences des matériaux  >>  M2 Materials and sustainable development (MSD)
  • Domaine : Masters du domaine SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES
  • Diplôme : Master
  • Mention : Chimie et sciences des matériaux
  • Parcours : M2 Materials and sustainable development (MSD)
    Présentation :
Modalité de formation :
Durée de la formation :
4 semestres
Documents à télécharger :
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Lieux de formation :
Cette formation est dispensée principalement sur le(s) site(s) suivant(s) :
  •   Villeurbanne - La Doua
Diplôme co-accrédité :
Cette formation est co-accréditée avec le(s) établissement(s) suivant(s) :
  • Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
  • Ecole Centrale de Lyon
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
Date de la dernière mise-à-jour : 14/03/2024
    Description de la formation :

The Materials and Sustainable Development (MSD) Master is a one-year program (M2, 60 ECTS) with lectures taught in English. It consists of one semester of courses (33 ECTS)  between September and February and a 5 to 6 month long research internship (27 ECTS) from March to August.

The courses take place at the University Claude Bernard Lyon1, on the Campus La Doua in Villeurbanne. Classes are taught by academics from University of Lyon and experts from the Industry.

The Master aims at preparing scientific experts in materials science for academic and industrial research in Health, Energy and Transport fields, able to:

- carry out a technological watch on the research and development of new materials and processes and develop strategies to elaborate innovative materials by clean processes related to sustainable development

- conduct a research project in an international environment

The MSD course gives a solid scientific education tailored to PhD programs as well as industrial research careers
    Compétences attestées :

-          Design, elaboration and characterization of organic (natural and synthetic origin), inorganic (glasses, cements, ceramics, metals) and composites materials

-          Investigation of the state of the art in a specific material or process field

-          Project management

-          Professional written and oral scientific communication

-          Professional communication in English

    Poursuites d'études :

The MSD course gives a solid scientific education tailored to PhD programs as well as industrial research careers

    Public concerné :

Candidates are expected to:

  • Have successfully completed the first year of a Master’s degree in “material sciences” or a close scientific field (220 acquired ECTS);
  • Provide proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL 550 or equivalent).
    Responsabilité du Parcours :
    Contact scolarité :
Département Chimie Scolarite
    Composante(s) de l'université responsable de cette formation :
UFR Faculté des Sciences / Département de Chimie
    Liste des Unités d'Enseignement (UE) :
  • Année 1
  • Année 2
    Indicateurs & Statistiques :
Les enquêtes sont réalisées par le Pôle Statistique d'Appui au Pilotage de la Formation et de la Vie Etudiante :
accéder aux statistiques de toutes les formations
    L'international dans la formation :

The Materials and Sustainable Development (MSD) Master is a one-year program (M2, 60 ECTS) with lectures taught in English. It consists of one semester of courses (33 ECTS)  between September and February and a 5 to 6 month long research internship (27 ECTS) from March to August.

Candidates are expected to:

  • Have successfully completed the first year of a Master’s degree in “material sciences” or a close scientific field (220 acquired ECTS);
  • Provide proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL 550 or equivalent).

The courses take place at the University Claude Bernard Lyon1, on the Campus La Doua in Villeurbanne. Classes are taught by academics from University of Lyon and experts from the Industry.

The Master aims at preparing scientific experts in materials science for academic and industrial research in Health, Energy and Transport fields, able to:

- carry out a technological watch on the research and development of new materials and processes and develop strategies to elaborate innovative materials by clean processes related to sustainable development

- conduct a research project in an international environment

The MSD course gives a solid scientific education tailored to PhD programs as well as industrial research careers