The Ocean Sciences program is co-accredited by the Department of Physics, the Department of Chemistry and the Ecole Centrale Lyon.
List of teaching units in M2 SOAC Ocean :
Courses cover the fundamentals of water and ocean physico-chemistry, ocean currents and ocean interactions with the coastline, cryosphere, and atmosphere.
Water Physics II
Water Chemistry II
Atmosphere Ocean and Ice interactions
Remote Sensing
Master Project M2
Experiments M2
Options : Ocean Modelling
English M2
Professional Integration M2
Internship M2 (6 months)
The course is open to initial formation and apprenticeship training, for people interested in ocean sciences.
Understand future issues related to interactions between the oceans and the atmosphere and the impact of climate on the oceans and cryosphere, in a theoretical, numerical and experimental way.
Future researchers and engineers specialized in modeling and observation of the oceans.
Practicals, written exams, written reports, oral presentations, numerical project, internship.