International Excellence Program

- All courses in English
- Field of teaching of Musculo-Skeletal system from the molecular to the integrative level
- Principal field : Musculo-Skeletal system
- Secondary field : Biomechanics, Physiology, Biology, Sport sciences, Health, Kinesiology
- Choice of 5 teaching Units from a pool of 19, allowing an individualized to training of the student according its research field
- 10-months internship in full immersion in one of the 18 research teams of the MuSkLE consortium
Master 2 MuSkLE pathway graduates for 3 Mentions of Master depending academic history and study field :
- Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP)
- Training and Optimization of Sports Performance (EOPS)
- Mechanics (Mécanique)
More infomation in the
Plaquette du parcours pour étudiants (top righ of the screen)